Nutcracker Ornaments & More
If you’re looking for an all-encompassing Christmas gift or decoration with which you can simply never go wrong, you need look no further than the traditional nutcracker. Ever since Tchaikovsky’s titular masterpiece, this character has been one of the most recognizable symbols of Christmas and the aesthetic that warms our hearts.
Whether he’s standing alone on a shelf, part of a beautiful collection of holiday decor, or simply peeking from the branches of the tree in the form of a nutcracker ornament, no decorative Christmas setup is complete without the help of this little soldier!
Nutcracker Decorations and Gifts
Here at Wendell August Forge, 2018 is the year of The Nutcracker! We have several ornaments as well as both aesthetic and utilitarian decorations. From circular and figurine ornaments to both aluminum and bronze plates that illustrate the magical moment of the protagonist Clara first being entranced by her gift, you are sure to feel the magic of The Nutcracker!
Celebrate with Artisan Design!
While we’re certainly excited about our collection of Nutcracker Ornaments, they are only a portion of what we have to offer here at Wendell August Forge to get you ready for the holiday season. Check out our vast collection of ornaments and holiday decorations while shopping with the assurance of quality!