New Expanded History Center
May 2nd 2017
Wendell August Forge's Flagship Store in Grove City, Pennsylvania has moved and expanded the Cathy Youngo Wendell August History Center. Company president, and others, worked late into the night to ensure customers wouldn't miss out even one day on the educational experience!
The Wendell August History Center includes historic pieces made for presidents and dignitaries, and everyone from the Kaufmann's to commemorate their new home, Falling Water by Frank Llloyd Wright, to a piece made for the passengers of the Millionaire's Flight on the Hindenburg shortly before it's demise.
Also featured is a piece commissioned by the Pittsburgh Penguins to commemorate NHL great Sidney Crosby's 1000th career point.
The History Center tells Wendell August's story from 1923 to today. Wendell August Forge has not only been a trendsetter in the aluminum industry, it created the aluminum giftware industry. Stop by our Grove City, Pennsylvania location to learn more about our rich history!
This move and expansion of the Wendell August History Center is part of many big changes happening at the Forge. We're in the middle of an ongoing expansion of the Workshop Tour, which will soon include our original coal-fire forge that survived the 2010 fire at our original Madison Avenue location. We're also expanding our gift-shop, revamping and expanding the Jewelry Studio, and creating an all-year-round Christmas Shop!